Thursday, March 15, 2007

What are we doing

What are we doing? Does anyone really think about it?
With the melting of polar ice caused from global warming the polar bear already began to loose the ability to follow eon's long migration patterns that have kept them in good shape for centuries

because of this they are already seeing fewer and fewer young born in the wild and much lighter birthweighs in the ones that ARE born

Extremely sad testiment to our brave new world and all of its grand and glorious accomplishments---- huh ??


Noah Bawdy™ said...

Glad you liked my blog ! I hope you stick around a bit and check out the archives. I suggest you read up a bit on the lies of Global Warming based on the lastest post on your blog. We're not killing the polar bears. They've been through this before and long before the industrial age. I really recommend that you watch
The Great Global Warming Swindle.

Noah Bawdy™ said...

Ooops... I meant latest. ;-)

Noah Bawdy™ said...

I like your site.
I Blogrolled you.
Keep up the good work !

SIMON said...

Thanks for linking me!
Loving the site, the odd polar bear image makes such a difference doesn't it?
Go girl!


twolf1920 said...

Thus it begins....See how easy it is to start blogging? Great stuff Becca! I noticed your fan-base is growing pretty fast too!

See how ya are?

Rebecca said...

thanks all. thanks all my loyal