Wednesday, March 7, 2007

I love polar bears...

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I have always had a love for these guys.I don't know what it is about them. maybe its the fact that they could be the only thing on the ice and they are ok. they don't need anything but what god gave them. just love them

One day I will see zoo..i will see one in his home...

Does that seem like an unrealistic goal to anyone....unabtainable...un reachable..impossible...and all those other bad words?


twolf1920 said...

...As long as they don't bite you in your ass! LITERALLY!

SIMON said...

I love polar bears too! I'll repost some pics for you in the next couple of days but you have to come and look you will be welcome!
Wolf sent me over to have a look at your blog and I like it. I will be back.

Glad you finally got your pic on, something else I like!